Home 5 Useful Links

Useful Links

Below is a list of links to additional resources, organisations and friends of the Gandhi Foundation. If you would like to be listed here or know of an organisation that would like to be included, contact us by using the form at the bottom of the page or by emailing The foundation directly at .

Bombay Sarvodava Mandal

https://www.mkgandhi.org – A website devoted to Gandhi, his life, work & philosophy.

Conscience – Taxes For Peace Not War

https://www.conscienceonline.org.uk – An organistion campaigning for a progressive increase in the amount of UK tax spent on peacebuilding.

Gandhi Information Center

http://www.nonviolent-resistance.info – An organistion that has information on non-violence.

Gandhi National Museum

https://gandhimuseum.org/site/ – A museum with a rich collection of original relics, books, journals and documents, photographs, audio-visual materials, exhibitions, art pieces and other memorabilia closely connected with Mahatma Gandhi.

Gandhi Today

http://gandhitoday.org – An organsation reflecting the teachings and values of Gandhi and of events supporting peace.


https://www.gandhiserve.net – Promoting a world of peace and non-violence.

Gandhi Institute

https://gandhiinstitute.org – Aiming to help communities to achieve an non-violent and just world.

Jeevika Trust

https://www.jeevika.org.uk – An organisation working in villages in India for over 40 years to alleviate poverty & empower rural communities to build better, more sustainable livelihoods.

Kingsley Hall

https://www.facebook.com/kingsleyhallbow – A charitable organisation and home for The Gandhi Foundation.

Mani Bhavan Gandhi Sangrahalya – Gandhi Museum Mumbai

http://www.gandhi-manibhavan.org – The Gandhi Museum in Mumbai.

Network for Peace

http://www.networkforpeace.org.uk – Network for Peace was set up to continue the work of the National Peace Council, one of the oldest peace organisations in the UK.

Peace Direct

https://www.peacedirect.org – Peace Direct is an international charity dedicated to stopping wars, one person at a time. In conflict zones around the world, we support local people to stop violence and build long term peace.

Satyagraha Foundation

http://www.satyagrahafoundation.org – A resource for Gandhi, his life and his teachings.

Short Gandhi Biography
University of Otago – National Centre for Peace & Conflict Studies

https://www.otago.ac.nz/ncpacs/index.html – The National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (NCPACS) is New Zealand’s first Centre to combine global cross-disciplinary expertise on the issues of development, peace-building and conflict transformation.  The Centre was established at the University of Otago in 2009.

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